Must yield the right of way

The term most often refers to oceans, seas, and lakes, but it includes smaller pools of water such as ponds, wetlands, or more rarely, puddles.

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Body of water, by Jack Castles

Look for pedestrians before crossing a street and yield if you see any. All vehicles, including bicycles, must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians who are in a crosswalk or crossing at an intersection. Check both sides of the street for a pedestrian before you cross a street.

This gesture of love is too sweet for words, with adorable little waiters tripping over themselves to help and watching me eat each bite with pride on their faces.

Let’s breakfast in bed, shall we?

Let’s be honest, though; there IS a downside to this Mother’s Day tradition, and I’m not the only woman to perceive it. In recent lurking on popular women’s forums, I picked up on underlying grievances at having to exchange a short period of relaxing and pampering for cold eggs and a messy kitchen to face after having dressed.

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